
Music is the only media
that has no barriers such as
Language, Religion & Nation.
The only form that can create integration among countries
and bring 'Harmony' between Eastern & Western music.

'It is better to be
a Maestro in performance and student in attitude !'

Too much of
interest turns into interference !

A thought 'I
must do it' is much better
than feeling 'I should have done it'

'Time is the
only factor which leads, guides, controls, possesses your life.
You may be of any caste, community, country, religion,
Always Worship Time.

In this Circular world, you continuously run behind the success,
but you don't get it,
Take a pause, start again.
And you will see in the next round success behind you !

In Music
Intonation and Rhythm, there are only two things,
either they are correct or they are wrong.
They can not be "Almost correct"
